Wednesday, March 5, 2014


I have always taken exception to the idea that I have to say an affirmation with enough conviction for my desire to manifest; have enough absolute faith for my “prayer to be answered”.

This feels like a “fail-safe mechanism” to me. You know, if one's prayer remains un-manifest, it’s because there wasn't enough belief, enough surrender, enough faith.

The old time faith healers could always fall back on this, when the healing didn't occur, making it somehow a lack in the person seeking the healing.

I believe it has much more to do with, what the I Ching calls, the suspention of disbelief. When I suspend my disbelief, I create the needed opening through which a new truth can grow. There is no need for more faith or enough surrender.

How empowering it is to know that I can change my life, by changing my mind about what I want to be right about.

As I practice this law, I see that it simply works as does the law of gravity.

Without the need to manifest the appropriate amount of faith, gravity will always keep me grounded, safe from flying off this planet, as it hurls through space --whether I believe it or not. Also true, gravity can kill me, if I choose to jump from a tall building.

I can choose to be victimized or empowered by Universal Law, because whether I believe it or not, it is at work. 

Ernest Holmes puts it like this: "Our outer seen life is an exact duplication of our inner unseen thought life…This principle operates relentlessly, whether we believe it or not." be continued.



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