Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Letting Go

Important Letting Goes…

Letting go of the need to protect against disappointment by expecting the worst…besides, it doesn't work!

Letting go of attachment to outcome, ANY outcome-- Any outcome is possible.

AND Letting go of attachment to outcome does not mean having no feelings or desires, no goals or dreams. The challenge is to hold both simultaneously.

Letting go of the need to influence the situation, trusting the Sage's ability to influence …without my intervention.

Letting go of all self definition… Stay with "I am open, I am empty." Do not continually explain behavior based on past understanding…"As long as we bring the past into the present we will continue to create a future like the past" !!!

Letting go of the need to obsessively define or defend or "understand" negative behavior or situations.

Letting go of needing to make a feeling MEAN something. Learn to simply BE with the feeling without having to fence it in with words or "meaning".

I feel love

I feel sad

I feel happy BREATH into the feeling and don't go anywhere else!

I feel lonely

I feel loss

Letting go of needing to make another's actions MEAN something.

Letting go of FEAR. Believe the promise, "You will NOT be cheated of happiness.

But don't expect it to "look" a certain way.

“You need do nothing” does not mean doing nothing but rather you NEED do nothing…in other words, you do not need to manipulate the situation.

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