Wednesday, January 22, 2014

In the Present

There are those who have the aspiration      and the ability
to be               and stay             in the present.
I, on the other hand, am not yet so enlightened.
I cannot live only in the isolated moment
where current actions have no accountability to the future
and spoken intention is a Spiritual anathema.

I remain       in the unenlightened place        where my current feelings
and actions are still based on, influenced by, the LOVE that
moves from that past place of inception,
through the many stages of awareness, growth and change
into the present (where I do try to live)
and on through into the future…

The love that I experience for my child, my wife,
for all those I value and hold dear--
my love of the sunshine rushing in my window as I write this,
for digging in the dirt of the garden, for creative expression,
for the sea, for this planet, for Justice and Peace and so much more…
This    LOVE   that I feel    is    the only   thing I KNOW     about the future.

And though I cannot say how it will manifest beyond this moment
I simply know that it does         and will          exist there.







Sunday, January 12, 2014

In the Midst of It -- 2

Years ago, I recall reading a story about a woman's experience in a Nazi concentration camp. Amazingly, even in that horrific environment, she was able to experience joy. No doubt it was a challenge, but somehow she was able to take pleasure in the beauty of the sunset, the few wild flowers growing along the fence, the song she remembered, the giving of a smile or a word of encouragement to her fellow prisoners. It is amazing to me that, even in such a circumstance, this woman held to the truth that joy is a choice and that in giving it, she received.
In a more recent story, a woman named Jane Korman
took her children, along with their grandfather who had survived internment, to visit several of these camps. At each location, and while playing the song I Will Survive, they danced an additional memory into existence. Though some criticized her, saying she dishonored the dead, she believed her actions, her expression of joy, honored the spirits of all those who had suffered there. She believed that joy does not dishonor suffering, nor does it discount pain.

Certainly, there is nothing fun about tragedy, loss, death. Watching a loved one die, a child suffer, a relationship end, is heart wrenching. Yet, in the face of the most difficult circumstance, joy can be chosen, laughter can be shared, pleasure can be created --without denying the difficulty. It is within the capacity of the human experience to make that choice.
In the midst of whatever challenge I may face, I am reminded:  If a young woman in a death camp can find a way to experience joy, certainly I can. And sometimes, choosing to crawl into bed and having a good cry, is the most helpful choice. This, to me, is empowering --knowing that I have a say, that I can choose to cry or smile or howl at the stars or laugh at a joke or enjoy the beauty of nature or meditate alone or visit friends, taking pleasure in their company--  knowing there is not a single feeling that is wrong, or behavior that is outside of my choice. 

The young woman in the concentration camp had no control over her environment and the horrors that went along with it. What she did have a choice about is how she lived, what she focused on, in the midst of it.

She inspires me.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Where Does the Moment Live?

There is only the present, I am told -- this moment.
The past is gone, the future         yet to be.
And-- is not the Present        wrapped up in the package of the past and the future? Like the meat of the filling --without the two pieces of bread—
there is no sandwich, no “meal”.
The current moment must have a context, or one is like the true amnesiac who lives ONLY in that place of immediacy, with NO connection to past memories or future aspirations.  How can this be anything but life deadening—Soul killing?
My past experiences, as well as my future goals and dreams make me who I am in the NOW. The Moment is meaningless—adrift-- without a landscape to pass through, without a place of Origin          and a Home to head for...
A seed, without the soil from which to grow and the sun toward which to reach, remains  just a dried up bit of unrealized, organic potential, with only a picture            of what it could be      on its package...
AND also true. If I but dig up the soil and reach for the sun but never      break open the package      or plant the seed, there can be no growth      no flower      no fruit…
It is, I realize, all about Balance. And this, for me, is the most difficult place to remain! Balanced in a position      where      I neither live in the Land of Melancholy Rememberings and "One day…Then"     nor in the silent, featureless landscape a context-less      Present.
Balance allows for, requires, using the experiences and lessons of my past, as well as the dreams and goals for my future, to create a Present
within which I can Live and Grow.
I must be able to do this     without attachment to the outcome looking a particular way, trusting that the Great Sage/Source in the Universe
will continue to support the process.
Letting Go of Attachment to Outcome does NOT mean having no feelings or desires -- no goals or dreams.
Doesn't having aspirations set me up? What about disappointment?
What if I'm wrong?            I guess it goes back to the idea that life IS about risk.  
A quote by Joseph Chilton Pearce says:  "To truly live a Creative life, one must
The Challenge?      Holding all of the ANDS      Simultaneously!
Sometimes it takes moving to the hypothetical extremes in order to find my way back to a truth…and this is certainly not to say I have arrived.
It is a process. And the process continues!
Blessed Be!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Letting Go

Important Letting Goes…

Letting go of the need to protect against disappointment by expecting the worst…besides, it doesn't work!

Letting go of attachment to outcome, ANY outcome-- Any outcome is possible.

AND Letting go of attachment to outcome does not mean having no feelings or desires, no goals or dreams. The challenge is to hold both simultaneously.

Letting go of the need to influence the situation, trusting the Sage's ability to influence …without my intervention.

Letting go of all self definition… Stay with "I am open, I am empty." Do not continually explain behavior based on past understanding…"As long as we bring the past into the present we will continue to create a future like the past" !!!

Letting go of the need to obsessively define or defend or "understand" negative behavior or situations.

Letting go of needing to make a feeling MEAN something. Learn to simply BE with the feeling without having to fence it in with words or "meaning".

I feel love

I feel sad

I feel happy BREATH into the feeling and don't go anywhere else!

I feel lonely

I feel loss

Letting go of needing to make another's actions MEAN something.

Letting go of FEAR. Believe the promise, "You will NOT be cheated of happiness.

But don't expect it to "look" a certain way.

“You need do nothing” does not mean doing nothing but rather you NEED do nothing…in other words, you do not need to manipulate the situation.